
NDG Linux Essentials

სასწავლო კურსის მიზანი
This introduction to Linux course is offered by the Network Development Group (NDG).  The skills taught in this course are applicable to a wide range of careers including networking, software development and Linux administration.
This course aligns to the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate.
თემის დასახელება და შინაარსი

  • Introduction to Linux – Linux Evolution and Popular Operating Systems: Role of the Kernel, Applications, Role of Open Source, Linux Distributions, Hardware Platforms; Choosing an Operating System
  • Open Source Applications and Licenses – Major Open Source Applications: Server Applications, Desktop Applications, Console Tools, Development Tools; Understanding Open Source Software and Licensing
  • Using Linux – Graphical vs Non-Graphical Mode, Command Line, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Using Linux For Work, Keeping Your Linux Computer Safe, Protecting Yourself
  • Command Line Skills – Command Line Interface (CLI), Accessing a Terminal:Prompt, Shell, Formatting Commands, Working with Options; Command history, Introducing BASH shell variables, PATH variable, which Command, Aliases, Globbing, Quoting, Control Statements
  • Getting Help–man Pages, Info Command, Additional Sources of Help, Finding Commands and Documentation
  • Working with Files and Directories – Understanding Files and Directories, Listing Files in a Directory, Copying Files, Moving Files, Moving Files While Renaming, Creating Files, Removing Files, Removing Directories, Making Directories
  • Archiving and Compression – Compressing Files, Archiving Files, ZIP Files
  • Pipes, Redirection, and REGEX – Command Line Pipes, I/O Redirection, Searching for Files Using the Find Command, Viewing Files Using the less Command, Revisiting the head and tail Commands, Sorting Files or Input, Viewing File Statistics With the wc Command, Using the cut Command to Filter File Contents, Using the grep Command to Filter File Contents, Basic Regular Expressions, Extended Regular Expressions, xargs Command
  • Basic Scripting–Shell Scripts in a Nutshell, Editing Shell Scripts, Scripting Basics: Variables, Conditionals, Loops
  • Understanding Computer Hardware–Processors, Motherboards and Buses, Hardware Abstraction Layer, Disk Devices, Video Display Devices, Managing Devices
  • Managing Packages and Processes–Package Management: Debian Package Management, RPM Package Management, Linux Kernel, Process Hierarchy, ps (Process) Command, Top Command, Free Command, Log Files, dmesg Command
  • Network Configuration–Basic Network Terminology, IP Addresses, Configuring Network Devices, Network Tools
  • System and User Security – User Accounts, Group Accounts, Logging In As Root, Using the su Command, Using the sudo Command, Using the who Command, Using the w Command
  • Create a new user–Creating a Group, Modifying a Group, Deleting a Group, Creating a User, Choosing a Password, Setting a User Password, Using the chage Command, Modifying a User, Delete a User
  • Ownership and Permissions – File Ownership, newgrp and groups Commands, chgrp and stat Commands, chown Command, Permissions, Revisiting the stat Command, umask
  • Securing Permissions, Links and File Locations – setuid Permission, setgid Permission on a File, setgid Permission on a Directory, Setting the setgid Permission, Stcky Bit Permission, Hard Links and Symbolic Links, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, Organization Within the Filesystem Hierarchy

სწავლება მიმდინარეობს როგორც ჯგუფურად, ისე ინდივიდუალურად;
მსმენელები უზრუნველყოფილნი იქნებიან საჭირო მეთოდური ლიტერატურით;
სწავლის ხანგრძლივობა – 3 თვე (კვირაში 2 დღე, 2-2 საათი);

კურსსზე რეგისტრაცია

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